

Customize your Spotify client with Spicetify!

Customize Spotify With Spicetify

Spicetify is a power command line tool which lets you customize the overall interface of the Spotify music client on Linux. Because the Spotify client is just an electron wrapper (think of it like a webapp) of the website, Spicetify…

The Awesome Window Manager on Linux!

The Awesome Window Manager

While the fully fledged desktop environments offer a complete experience to a user, they are usually quite bloated and thus reduce the speed of the system and applications due to the extra resources used by the background services. They also…

The Sway Window Manager on Linux

Install And Configure Sway Window Manager On Ubuntu

Tiling window managers are very popular on Linux based distributions by advanced users as they do not contain bloatware like Desktop Environments, and they offer a minimal experience with extensive customization (called as ricing). We have already discussed more differences…

Understanding the reboot command on Linux

Understanding The Reboot Command On Linux

Shutting down your PC can be as simple as pressing the power button on your PC or laptop, or by just clicking the Shutdown option in your operating system. However, on Linux, there are several ways through which you can…