Deeptendu Santra

Deeptendu Santra

How to install KDen-Live in Linux

Install Kdelive In Any Linux Distribution

Kden-live is an acronym for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor. Resonating with the open-source ideals of the KDE community Kdenlive is one of the best open-source video editors out there. It works on GNU/Linux, Windows and BSD. This article covers various ways in which we can install…

Git rebase: A gentle introduction

Understanding Git The Git Rebase

Git rebase is easily one of the most misunderstood commands in Git. Beginners often tend to mess up their working tree using this command the wrong way or fail to find the difference between git rebase and merge. So in…

Installing Visual Studio Code on Arch Linux

How To Install Vs Code In Arch

Let’s learn to install Visual Studio Code on Arch Linux. Microsoft Visual Studio Code has become one of the most used text editor and IDE for developers. It is a very powerful IDE with support for almost all languages through thousands…