Ninad Pathak

Ninad Pathak

Understanding the tar Command in Linux

Linux Tar Comand

Windows has multiple GUI utilities for extracting and working with compressed files. In this tutorial, let’s understand the tar command in Linux which allows us to work with tar, gzip, and other archive files within Linux. What is the tar…

How to Use the sort Command in Linux

Sort Command

When you are dealing with large amounts of data, accomplishing tasks using the data becomes a tedious task. Your work is decreased significantly if your data is properly sorted. That’s exactly the job for the sort command. The sort command…

The Linux tr Command

Understanding Linux Tr Command

The Linux tr command helps a user to delete a set of characters or translate them to another character set. This is especially useful when you know a set of characters have to be replaced but the file size is…

How to Use The Linux top Command

How To Linux top Command

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use the Linux top command. Managing system resources is essential for a Linux system admin. You need to have control over processor tasks to use your hardware optimally. The Linux top command shows…

How to Use the nmap Command in Linux

Nmap Command In Linux

If you’re searching for a tutorial on the nmap Command in Linux, I’d love to first welcome you to the world of network security. Nmap utility which stands for Network Map is used to find open ports on a device…

How to Use The cp Command in Linux

Cp Command In Linux

The cp command in Linux is used to copy files from one location to another or create duplicate copies of the same files as required. In this tutorial, we’ll go over the cp command in detail and understand the usage…

How to Use the diff Command in Linux?

Diff Comand In Linux

Wondering how to use the diff command in Linux and want to know what the Linux diff command is? This article will help you understand the command well and answer the question about the usage of the diff command. The…