Writwik Ray

Writwik Ray

How to Install, Setup and use Musescore

How To Install, Setup And Use Musescore

Musescore is a music notation software. It is used to write, arrange, and playback midi music from the written pieces. Composers can use the software to hear while composing without even touching their instruments. Novices, on the other hand, can…

Getting Started With Hugo: Static Website Generator

Getting Started With

Static websites are great for blogs and minimal websites. They are significantly smaller when compared to dynamic websites and hence can be hosted using very minimal server hardware requirements. Today we will be going through a static website generator called…

Check and update PHP in Ubuntu:

Install And Update PHP In Ubuntu

PHP is a necessary skill for web developers as it stands out as the most used server-scripting language at the present time. In this article, we will be covering how to check the currently installed version on your ubuntu machine…

The printf command in Linux: A Complete Guide

Printf Command In Linux

The printf command is one of the basic commands that are very popular among Linux enthusiasts and users. It allows one to print formatted output. In their article, we will be covering all, from basics to advanced uses for the…