Writwik Ray

Writwik Ray

5 tricks for Vim Search and Replace

Top 5 Vim Search And Replace Commands

Hi, there readers! Today we will look into vim again, specifically how we can do search and replace easily in vim. In this article, we will look at the top 5 ways you can search and replace and reach that…

How to Install Java on Ubuntu

Install Java In Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Welcome to another tutorial article from LinuxForDevices! Today we will learn how to install Oracle Java on Ubuntu 20.04. Java is a high-level programming language which is mainly used for object-oriented programming. You may need to install Java in order…

Reset Your Terminal in Linux

Reset The Linux Terminal

Want to know how to reset your terminal in Linux? Sometimes you may accidentally redirect binary output to your terminal and would need to reset it so that all the text clears out and you have your scrollbar back. Other…