Replace Unity and Move to GNOME 2.x

After Ubuntu introduced Unity, it received its fair share of hate from GNOME lovers. Though Ubuntu ships with Unity by default, we learned from a DeviceGuru’s tutorial that switching to Gnome 2.x was still possible.


Unity is the default desktop environment that Ubuntu provides which provides a significant move from the old gnome desktops. According to Canonical, the commercial backer for the distribution the new shell brings a more modern visually rich graphical UI.

The main aim of creating the new UI with Unity was to create something that’s synonymous across devices including phones, tablets, PCs, and other devices.

But is it necessary? Can a UI that is common be equally efficient both on mouse-and-keyboard oriented desktops and laptop computers, and on touch-based tablets? Are users ready to basically alter how they connect to their systems, both graphically and operationally?

It, preferring to stay with the more traditional desktop that is GNOME of previous Ubuntu releases, which they’ve been effortlessly using for quite some time since it concludes up, many diehard Ubuntu users have tried Unity and rejected.

The question of whether Ubuntu’s switch to Unity as its default UI had been a good or idea that is bad be answered by its failure or success in the market. But for the time being, the move certainly seemingly have shifted momentum in the direction of Linux Mint 12, an OS that leans on present Ubuntu (and Debian) packages — but avoids Unity completely.

Instead of suggesting a change to Linux Mint or other non-Unity Linux distributions, this post shows tips on how to easily utilize Ubuntu that is standard(v11.10 later) without Unity, by installing packages that are several tools, and tweaking some configuration settings. Although your requirements will probably differ from what’s recommended below, you’ll end up getting the various tools to tune your Ubuntu desktop’s feel and look to your taste.

Ninad Pathak
Ninad Pathak
Articles: 109