Installing Game Maker Studio on Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

Game Maker Studio(GMS) is one of the most popular software used to develop game-based applications. This Game Maker Studio is developed by the well-known organization YOYO Games. This allows all kinds of developers from different domains to easily create game apps via this platform without any coding knowledge.

This is most popular among developers because it uses a simple and interactive interface to simplify the work of developers by simply dragging and dropping function assets management, exporting it to multiple platforms, etc. If you are a Linux user who uses Ubuntu or any other Linux because of its security factors, you must know how to install Game Maker Studio in Linux, so for them this article is the best guide to learn from.

Installing Game Maker Studio on Linux is a straightforward process that involves a series of steps. Start by updating your package lists with sudo apt update. Install the required libraries using sudo apt install build-essential openssh-server clang libssl-dev libxrandr-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev ffmpeg. Verify the installation by checking the version of the installed dependencies. Proceed to install additional tools like Steam Runtime and LinuxDeploy. Finally, download and install Game Maker Studio using the official link. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for Linux users

Why Choose Game Maker Studio for Linux?

The main objective of this Game Maker Studio is to develop 2-dimensional games with more efficient features and interactive interfaces and functions. The prior objective of this game maker studio is that developers with and without coding knowledge can use this platform to develop game applications quickly, that is the developers without coding knowledge can simply make use of the drag-and-drop functions to develop applications. The developers who know coding can make use of scripting the game application to an advanced level.

Prerequisites for Installing Game Maker Studio on Linux

  1. Linux Distribution: You should have the Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora
  2. Access to a terminal: We will use a terminal adversely for extracting and changing the source path
  3. Internet Connection: You should have a good internet connection to download the package blender

Step-by-Step Installation Guide for Game Maker Studio on Linux

Step 1: Open the terminal window

Step 2: Update all package lists using the following command

sudo apt update
Updating Packages 2
Fig-1: Updating all packages

Step 3: Before installing GMS we should install several libraries as prerequisites for building the Game Maker Studio.

sudo apt install build-essential openssh-server clang libssl-dev libxrandr-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev ffmpeg

Note: Make sure you enter all library names correctly if not errors may occur.

Fig-2: Installing necessary libraries

Step 4: After the dependency installation is over we need to check if it’s installed or not to verify it we need to check the version of the dependency we installed

ffmpeg -version
Fig-3: Checking version

Step 5: Install App image build tools in a specified directory by creating it

sudo mkdir /opt/steam-runtime/

Step 6: Install stream runtime


Note: Before installing stream runtime make sure you have “curl” installed. If not installed, give the command “sudo snap install curl” to install it.

Stream Runtime
Fig-4: Installing Stream runtime

Step 7: Install linuxdeploy using the following command:


Note: Before installing linuxdeploy make sure you have “wget” if not use the command “sudo apt install wget” to install it.

Fig-5: Installing LinuxDeploy

Step 8: Follow this second command to finish the process of installation

sudo install -m 0755 linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage /usr/local/bin/linuxdeploy
Finish Linuxdeploy
Fig-6: Finish linuxdeploy installation

Step 9: Install App Image

AppImage 1
Fig-7: Installing AppImage

Step 10: Follow this second command to finish the app image installation

sudo install -m 0755 appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage /usr/local/bin/appimagetool
Fig-8: Finishing appimage installation

Step 11: Download GamerMaker Beta from official website link

Installing Gamemaker With Link
Fig-9: Installation of Game Maker using link

Step 12: Finally installing the dependencies using the apt package manager.

sudo apt install ./GameMaker-Beta-2023.200.0.299.deb
Installing Dependencies
Fig-10: Installing Dependencies

Step 13: Once the dependency installation is finished you will see that the Game Maker is installed

GameMaker Application
Fig-11: GameMaker App


This comprehensive guide has equipped you with the knowledge and steps to get started on your game development journey. With Game Maker Studio’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface and robust scripting capabilities, you’re not just installing software; you’re opening up a gateway to bring your most creative game ideas to life. So, what groundbreaking game will you develop next?

Sulagna Mukherjee
Sulagna Mukherjee
Articles: 5