Category Linux

Add Markdown Preview to the Gedit Text Editor

Add Markdown Preview To Gedit Text Editor

Gedit is one of the most popular open source text editor which comes pre-installed with any Linux based operating system, which comes with the GNOME desktop environment. And although it can be used just as a normal and simple text…

gh on Linux: Installation & Configuration

Github Cli

In this tutorial, we’ll see how to install & configure Gh on Linux with apt package manager or homebrew. gh is a command-line tool that enhances Git’s capabilities by offering attributes like simplified pull request handling, enhanced teamwork, and an…

How to Install and Setup CLion on Linux?

How To Install CLION

CLion (developed by Jetbrains) is one of the most popular C/C++ IDE among developers. It has an easy to use interface but also comes packed with features like VCS integration, CMake support, Unit testing, Collaborative mode and much more. This…

Fingerpaint – Drawing tool that uses your touchpad

Fingerpaint Doodle And Draw In Your Linux Terminal

Fingerpaint is an open source application using which you can draw inside it using just your touchpad on laptops. Obviously, you won’t be able to do professional work accurately using this tool, but you can surely do minimal things like…

How to Install WebApps on Linux

RUn Your Desired Website As A Webapp On Linux

Although GNU/Linux-based distributions offer a ton of apps and features in their default repositories, and there are many other ways through which you can install many other applications such as Flatpak, Snaps and third party repositories. It still lacks many…

Clapper — An easy-to-use frontend for MPV

Clapper – An Open Source MPV Frontend

Clapper is an open source and easy-to-use media player that uses MPV media player as a backend. We have already discussed how can you configure MPV media player to make it more usable and beautiful. However, we do understand that…

Check your Laptop’s Battery health on Linux

Check Your Laptop's Battery Health On Linux

Linux distros are known for draining the battery charge quickly out of Laptops and mobile devices. And although there are many third-party tools such as TLP or Auto-CPUfreq which were developed in order to solve this charge drain issue, we…