Category Linux

GameHub – Manage all your Games from one place

GAmeHub One App To Play Them All

We all have always wanted to have a unified launcher/installer for different stores such as Steam, Humble Bundle, Epic Games and GOG so that we only have to install a single app to play them all without bearing the hassle…

How to install and Play Portal on Linux?

Play Portal On Linux!

Portal is a very famous single-player puzzle-solving game which is developed by Valve and is often available on the Steam store with a discount. Now, the studio has also developed a new RTX version of this game in partnership with…

How to install and use Firefox ESR on Linux?

Firefox ESR

Firefox ESR is a stable, or ‘LTS’ version of the Firefox web browser which you can install and use on your system if you do not like the feature updates that Mozilla pushes into the main browser every month. It…

What is the Hosts File in Debian?


As the internet continues to expand and become more intertwined in our daily lives, it is important to understand the inner workings of our computers and networks. One of the most important components of any computer is the hosts file,…