Category Linux

Ghostwriter – An open source application for writers

Ghostwriter An Open Source Editor For Writers

Ghostwriter is an open-source writing tool developed by KDE, which is directed toward professional Book/Article writers. It is available on all the major Linux distributions. You could ask why is it much different from the default GNOME Text editor, because…

Change GTK4 application theme in GNOME 40+?

Change GTK4 Theme On GNOME 40+ Desktop Environments

With the ongoing migrations of the GNOME applications from GTK3 to GTK4, it is hard to apply one theme like we used to do earlier from the Gnome Tweaks application. Several applications now use GTK4 while, GTK3 is also used…

How to upgrade from Fedora 36 to Fedora 37?

Easily Upgrade From Fedora 36 To Fedora 37

Fedora Workstation, developed by Red Hat, is one of the most recommended Linux distribution recommended for beginners along with others like Linux Mint, Ubuntu, etc. It is a rolling release distribution, that is, every feature/security update is applied automatically over…

How to Install, Setup and use Musescore

How To Install, Setup And Use Musescore

Musescore is a music notation software. It is used to write, arrange, and playback midi music from the written pieces. Composers can use the software to hear while composing without even touching their instruments. Novices, on the other hand, can…