Category Linux

How To Find The User Group of A User

How To Check The User Groups An Ubuntu User Belongs To

When we talk about the usual day-to-day activity of any Linux administrator, one activity indeed precedes everything else: adding or removing users from the system. One thing that keeps changing is the users’ access level depending on the kind of…

How to use loadable kernel modules in Linux?

Using Loadable Kernel Modules In Linux

Loadable kernel modules are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into the kernel upon demand. They provide a way to extend the functionality of the kernel without having to rebuild or reboot the system. In this article,…

The printf command in Linux: A Complete Guide

Printf Command In Linux

The printf command is one of the basic commands that are very popular among Linux enthusiasts and users. It allows one to print formatted output. In their article, we will be covering all, from basics to advanced uses for the…

5 Ways To Check Available Memory In Linux

5 Ways To Check Memory Usage In Ubuntu

Checking the amount of memory that is being used is something every user does when the system runs slow. It is even more important for system administrators who have to keep a tab on the system resources that are being…

5 tricks for Vim Search and Replace

Top 5 Vim Search And Replace Commands

Hi, there readers! Today we will look into vim again, specifically how we can do search and replace easily in vim. In this article, we will look at the top 5 ways you can search and replace and reach that…