Category Linux

What is /dev/null in Linux?

Uncovering The Devnull Mystery

If you delve into shell programming, you have come across /dev/null or 2>/dev/null numerous times. At first, this might look like intimidating abstract jargon, but there is a very important (and easy to understand) reason for which it exists. In…

GDM3 vs LightDM Which One Is Better?

Lightdm Vs GDM A Brief Comparison

When it comes to displaying managers, we have several options to choose from, in the Linux world. They are – In this article, we are going to take a look at the differences between Gnome Display Manager (GDM) and LightDM,…

Fancify Bash Terminal with Bash-It


If you are a bash user and are jealous of zsh users getting tons of fancy themes and plugins with Oh-My-Zsh, you are at the right place. In this tutorial, we will take a look over Bash-It, a community-driven Bash…

Convert Images Into ASCII Art in the Linux Terminal

Convert Any Image Into ASCII At In The Linux Terminal

The terminal is the tool you can use to control anything inside any Linux distribution. However, there are always things to do for fun in the Terminal. There’s Neofetch, a tool to display information about your operating system with a…