Category Linux

HTTP Tunneling In Linux With Ngrok

HTTP Tunneling In Linux With Ngrok

In this module, we’ll learn to perform HTTP Tunneling using ngrok on Linux. Ever been in a situation where you had a webserver running locally and needed to access it from outside the network? One might not always have Port…

Installing Visual Studio Code on Arch Linux

How To Install Vs Code In Arch

Let’s learn to install Visual Studio Code on Arch Linux. Microsoft Visual Studio Code has become one of the most used text editor and IDE for developers. It is a very powerful IDE with support for almost all languages through thousands…

How to install GIMP on Linux?

How To Install GIMP On Linux

In this tutorial we’ll teach you how to install GIMP on Linux! GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program, which is a cross-platform powerful image editor. It is a great if not the best image editor in the Linux world.…