Category Linux

Picom: The Standalone Xorg Compositor

Picom : The Standalone Xorg Compositor

This module will discuss Picom, probably the most popular Compositor for Linux. Compositors in Linux are responsible for assigning each window a buffer to render. Each frame of each running application goes through the compositor, responsible for outputting each buffer…

Top 5 Best Terminal Emulators For Linux

Top 5 Terminal Emulators For Linux

In this module, we’ll discuss 5 cool terminal emulators for Linux which will help you enhance your workflow while adding to the aesthetic appeal of your setup. For most Linux Users, the terminal constitutes of the majority of the workflow:…

Linux Swap – A Complete Guide

Linux Swap

If you have worked with Linux, you must have come across “Linux swap“, especially during the installation process of most Linux distros. In this article, we would be taking a look at Linux Swap and why is it necessary. What…