Category Linux

How to Set the JAVA_HOME Variable in Linux?

Java Home variable in linux

In this article, we’ll learn to set the JAVA_HOME variable in Linux. JAVA_HOME should be correctly set on your system in order for you to be able to run Java programs successfully. In case there is an error, you will…

Help command in Linux

Help Command

The help command is the simplest way to get information regarding a built-in shell command. It helps you fetch information from the shell’s internal documentation. It takes a text string as the command line argument and looks for the provided…

How to use the tree command in Linux?

Edit File In Linux

The tree command recursively lists directories and files in Linux. Files are listed in an indented manner under their directories. Tree command is similar to ls command which is famously known for listing files and directories. The only difference is…

A Step-By-Step Guide to Install CMake on Linux


In this article, we’ll learn to install cmake on Linux. CMake is a cross-platform open-source meta-build system that can build, test, and package software. It can be used to support multiple native build environments including make in Linux/Unix, Apple’s Xcode, and…