
The head Command in Linux

We recently learned about the cat and the more commands in Linux. In this tutorial, we’ll be covering the head command which is pretty similar to the cat command in the essence that it helps you list down the contents of a file in the terminal. The head command has very few options, making this

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The alias Command in Linux

The alias command in Linux is used to make a shortcut or an alternative name for an existing command. So instead of re-typing the same commands with all the options over and over again, you can create a shorthand for the same and make it simpler to use in the future. How to use the

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Linux kill Command

The kill command in Linux is used to send a signal to a process or a group of processes. The name, unfortunately, chosen as kill, instead of signal, does not need to necessarily kill a process. As we will see, based on the values passed to it, it sends an appropriate signal to the Process

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