Category Tutorials

How to install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu Linux?

Install Eclipse on Ubuntu

Eclipse is a popular cross-platform Java IDE that can be used to create and manage your Java projects. It also has plugins through which you can work with PHP, C++, JavaScript, and more programming languages on this application. As this…

Top 10 Torrent Clients for Linux

Top 10 Torrent Clients for Linux

uTorrent is the most famous torrent application on Windows, but it does not have a Linux port. Torrents are an effective way to download ISOs of your favorite Linux distribution, as it takes the load off from the distribution’s company’s…

Install i3 Window Manager on Ubuntu

Install I3wm On Ubuntu

Ubuntu by default ships with a modified version of the GNOME desktop environment. However, there are several other Ubuntu flavors as well, like Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Cinnamon, and so on. And you are free to choose any, but the catch…

Steps To Restore Default Repositories in Ubuntu

Restore default repositories in Ubuntu

If for some reason, you are not able to run the apt command successfully from the terminal, it is quite possible that your sources.list file is corrupt. Don’t panic, we can easily restore the sources file. But first, we have…

[SOLVED] gzip: stdin: not in gzip format

Fix gzip: stdin: not in gzip format error

Hey folks! In this article, we will discuss how to solve gzip: stdin: not in gzip format error while extracting a zipped file using the tar command. Let’s say you’re trying to extract an archive named archive.tar.gz using the tar…

GNOME Tweaks – An Essential Tool For GNOME Users

Gnome Tweaks An Excellent Tool For Beginners

In Linux-based distributions, freedom is essentially guaranteed. You are free to do anything, change the Kernel if you want, or change the whole Desktop Environment if you feel like it. GNOME Tweaks is one such application you can use to…

Change Icon Theme in Gnome DE

Change Your Icon Theme In GNOME

GNOME is an excellent Desktop Environment for beginners because of its ease of use and Android phone-like user interface. It is even recommended for the users who have switched from macOS. However, the vanilla GNOME icons might be a turn-off…