How To Check Your Ubuntu Version From The Command-Line?

Ubuntu has been one of the most popular Linux distributions ever. Since its first release in October of 2004, it has put out 34 semi-annual releases. With such a big list of releases, one can easily get confused about the version number of their current Ubuntu installation. So in this tutorial, we take a look at how we can check the version number of any Ubuntu installation.

Also read: How to check Java version?

Checking the Ubuntu Version

To check the version number, we will be using the lsb_release command which is used to print distro specific details.

To print the version number of your Ubuntu, run the following.

lsb_release -a

The -a flag specifies the software to print all details i.e. codename, release , id , distribution and LSB version.

The output should somewhat resemble this.

No LSB modules are available.  
Distributor ID: Ubuntu  
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS  
Release:        18.04  
Codename:       bionic

In this case, the Ubuntu version number is 18.04.

Note: You usually get an error at the start mentioning that the device doesn’t have any LSB modules available. LSB stands for Linux Standard Base and is a joint project taken up by several distributions to have a common software system structure. lsb_release is a part of this project. You can read more about it here.

Removing the “No LSB modules are available” error.

Method 1:

You can remove this error by downloading the lsb-core package. To do this execute the following command.

 sudo apt install lsb-core

After you have installed lsb-core, your output of lsb_release -a will also mention the LSB version.

LSB Version:	core-11.1.0ubuntu2-noarch:security-11.1.0ubuntu2-noarch
Distributor ID: Ubuntu  
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS  
Release:        18.04  
Codename:       bionic

Method 2:

Instead of using the -a flag which prints all details, we just specify the software to just print Codename(-c), Release(-r), and Description(-d). So go ahead and execute the following

lsb_release -cdr

This will give a similar output to this

Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS  
Release:        18.04  
Codename:       bionic


Now you can easily check the version of your Ubuntu installation and follow any helpful guide that is specific to your version number. Have fun and keep exploring!

Shobhit Singh
Shobhit Singh
Articles: 47