How to install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu?

In this tutorial, we will learn to install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu. Eclipse is a famous open-source integrated development environment (IDE) popular for Java applications development. It can be used as IDE for several other programming languages with the help of its plugins. Eclipse is written in Java and requires JRE installed.

Also read: How to install Java on Debian?

Steps to Install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu

Follow the steps given below to install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu.

Step 1: Launch Terminal

To launch a new terminal session, press CTRL + ALT + T on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can launch a new terminal session from Activities on the top-left of your screen.

Click Activities On The Top Left Of Your Screen
Click Activities

And then enter terminal in the search box.

Search For Terminal And Click Its Icon To Launch It
Search for terminal and then click its icon

Click on its icon to launch a new terminal session.

Step 2: Install JRE

Since Eclipse is primarily written in Java and hence it requires JRE. We’ll start by installing JRE.

To install, execute the following apt command:

sudo apt install default-jre -y

Once we have JRE installed on our system, we can now proceed further.

Step 3: Download the Eclipse Installer

To get the Eclipse installer, visit in your web browser.

Eclipse Installer Web Page
Eclipse Installer Web Page

Then, download the Eclipse Installer for Linux by clicking x86_64 beside Linux.

Click To Download The Eclipse Installer For Linux
Click x86_64 beside Linux for the Eclipse Installer

Now click download to start downloading.

Click Download
Click Download

Step 3: Extract the Eclipse Installer

Now we need to extract the Eclipse Installer from the archive we’ve just downloaded.

Go to the download location of the compressed file.

Go To The Download Location
Go to the Location of the Eclipse Installer compressed file

Now to extract the Eclipse Installer from the compressed file, right-click on the compressed file you’ve just downloaded and click “Extract Here”.

Click Extract Here To Extract Eclipse Installer
Click “Extract Here” to extract Eclipse Installer

Step 4: Launch the Eclipse Installer

To launch the Eclipse Installer, change the directory to the extracted folder and double left-click eclipse-inst

Double Left Click Eclipse Inst 1
Double left-click eclipse-inst

Choose the Eclipse IDE you want to install by left-clicking the chosen Eclipse IDE in the Eclipse Installer menu.

Eclipse Installer
Choose the Eclipse IDE

Then, click INSTALL and accept the license to install the chosen Eclipse IDE.


Step 5: Launch the Eclipse IDE

Once the installation is completed. You can directly launch Eclipse IDE by clicking LAUNCH at the end of the installation.


Alternatively, you can also launch Eclipse IDE from the “Activities” on the top left of your screen.

Launch Eclipse IDE From Activities
Launch Eclipse IDE from Activities

Now, click Launch to go with the default workspace.

Click Launch 1
Click Launch to with the default workspace

Congratulations! We’ve successfully installed Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu.

Eclipse IDE On Ubuntu Desktop
Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu Desktop


Eclipse is a popular open-source integrated development environment for various programming languages.

Follow the steps given in the tutorial to install Eclipse IDE on your Ubuntu Desktop.

Thank you for reading! 😀

Suryansh Singh Shishodia
Suryansh Singh Shishodia

PSIT, Kanpur | Linux & FOSS Enthusiast

Articles: 41