Category Ubuntu

Check and update PHP in Ubuntu:

Install And Update PHP In Ubuntu

PHP is a necessary skill for web developers as it stands out as the most used server-scripting language at the present time. In this article, we will be covering how to check the currently installed version on your ubuntu machine…

How to Install Java on Ubuntu

Install Java In Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Welcome to another tutorial article from LinuxForDevices! Today we will learn how to install Oracle Java on Ubuntu 20.04. Java is a high-level programming language which is mainly used for object-oriented programming. You may need to install Java in order…

Lubuntu vs Xubuntu – What is the difference?

Lubuntu Vs Xubuntu

One of the reasons why Ubuntu Linux is placed among the biggest Linux distributions is the fact that it itself has a ton of editions and flavors available, both officially and unofficially. Lubuntu and Xubuntu Linux are what you call…