The most common reason to change or spoof MAC addresses is to maintain privacy. When you connect to a public network, the MAC address gets exposed to that network. Spoofing or changing your MAC address keeps your ID unexposed and thus maintaining the privacy of the user.
In this article, we will demonstrate to you how to change or spoof your MAC address in Ubuntu using GUI or with the help of the Terminal.
How to change or spoof MAC address in Ubuntu using GUI?
Follow the steps below to change or spoof your MAC address.
Step 1: Go to Settings
Click on Activities to launch Activities overview and type Settings to search for it.

Click on its icon to open Settings.

Step 2: Open Network Panel
Click Network in the sidebar to open Ubuntu’s Network Panel.

Step 3: Edit Connection
Now edit the selected connection to change or spoof the MAC address.

Step 4: Go to the Identity Tab
Now we need to go to the Identity tab.

Step 5: Select Device’s MAC address
From the dropdown menu, select your device’s MAC address.

Step 6: Enter Cloned Address
Enter the MAC address in the Cloned Address that you want to use as your hardware address.

After entering the Cloned Address click, Apply on the top left.

Then restart the Network Connection.
Step 6: Verify spoofed MAC address (Optional)
You can see/verify the spoofed MAC address by executing the following command in the Terminal:
ip link ls

How to change or spoof MAC address in Ubuntu using the Terminal?
To find out the network interfaces with their MAC addresses, enter the command:
ip link ls

Turn off the network card you want to spoof MAC address for by executing:
sudo ip link set dev enp0s3 down
Now, set a spoofed MAC address by executing:
sudo ip link set dev enp0s3 address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Next, turn on the network card by executing:
sudo ip link set dev enp0s3 up
Now, enter the following command to verify the Spoofed MAC address.
ip link ls

We’ve successfully spoofed our MAC address maintaining privacy!
Spoofing or changing MAC addresses maintains our privacy. It is recommended to use a spoofed MAC address when connecting to a public network or a VPN.
In the above tutorial, we have demonstrated spoofing MAC addresses on Ubuntu using GUI and with the help of the Terminal.
Thank you for reading! 😀